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  • Eileen Kiernan

Hormonal Harmony: A Woman's Guide to Boosting Happy Chemicals

Updated: May 29

Winter and post-holiday blues? Cold dark nights, takeaways and hibernation vibes got you down? Here’s a way to hack your “happy hormones” and find more joy.

“Happy Hormones" are the neurotransmitters that regulate your day-to-day mood and well-being. While these impact both men and women, the hormonal fluctuations experienced by women during different stages of life, such as menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause can affect their balance and expression of them. Here are four feel-good hormones that promote happiness and pleasure with some simple activities to naturally give them a boost:

Dopamine is the Reward Chemical triggered by pleasure. You can positively boost its release by achieving a goal, completing a task, doing self-care activities, getting quality sleep and eating healthy foods, such as fish, green leafy veg, apples, avocados, dark chocolate, eggs and yoghurt with nuts and berries. Getting a Dopamine boost from natural activities is the brain’s version of a standing ovation. Consider yourself applauded. Bravo!

Endorphins are Natural Painkillers which reduce stress and relieve pain. They lighten the mood, which is the secret weapon against discomfort. You can help increase this hormone through; regular exercise (even better outdoors), playing music, eating spicy food, watching a movie, having sex and laughter. Get out of your head and into your body to boost your Endorphins and improve your mental and physical well-being.

Oxytocin is often called the Love Hormone and plays a vital role in women’s health. It’s released through social bonding and connection. It’s like a warm cup of hot cocoa for your emotions. Boost your Oxytocin through physical touch (hugging, kissing, handholding, massage), socialising with good friends, helping others, and petting animals. Here’s to feeling the love and enjoying the warm embrace of Oxytocin in your system. What’s not to love about that?

Serotonin is known as the Mood Stabiliser which helps regulate mood, appetite, and sleep. It’s sunshine for your soul, with every dose giving your mood a nature-infused glow. Increase your peace and create long-lasting feelings of happiness and well-being by getting sun exposure, being in nature, meditating, and practising mindfulness and gratitude. Think sunset vibes for your mind and body.

So, when overwhelm sets in…remember these hacks to help keep your feel-good hormones in balance and boost yourself happy.

If you suspect an imbalance and your symptoms don’t respond to diet and lifestyle changes, see your GP to rule out other causes.

By Eileen Kiernan,

Designer, writer, climbing coach and wellness enthusiast.


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