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  • Samantha Maw

Goat on a Bike

Updated: May 29

Goat on a bike

An undignified turkey


beady eyed


feathers dancing

in the breeze

37 trays of eggs

on her head held

steady with a

scarred hand

A clutch of children

unbound behind a boda

grinning fearlessly

in the heat soaked wind

A cackle of chickens

scattering like marbles

across the

orange dust

A confused tortoise

airborne like a trophy

The seller hoping for a good price

The product dreaming of lettuce

And a safe, warm box

A giant yellow bloom

of jerry cans banging

out a hollow tune

A woman walking

in her Sunday best

no shoes

A broad chested man

with a Hello Kitty Jacket

and a Santa hat

playing pool under a

hot tin roof

All traffic ignoring the red

lights and the Puffa fish

law enforcers in their white

jumpsuits and

oversized black boots

Armchairs stacked high

on a pick-up

a suited recliner enjoying

the wind on his face

The Blessed Furniture Centre

The Alleluia Tea Room Amen

This strangeness suits me

wraps around my soul

like I’ve returned home.


By Samantha Maw from her anthology entitled ‘Goat on a Bike’ 2018

Available on Amazon and all good booksellers.

(‘Goat on a Bike’ was inspired by Samantha’s observations of her environment while living and teaching in Uganda)

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