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About The Women's News Magazine

News and stories about, for and by women. 

Welcome to The Women’s News Magazine, an exciting new addition to the online magazine world. 


The Women’s News Magazine is a new independent online magazine with an original outlook on women’s issues which will place it in a unique position in the world of journalism.


This is a magazine for and about women and welcomes both women and men to express their views with their perspectives of women in society and how a woman’s voice and issues can be heard in the world.


We welcome you to share comments, ideas and articles with us.

In this new second issue, we explore a range of topics including how fast fashion is affecting the environment, how to go running safely and what about getting a tattoo?


As a not for profit business, The Women’s News Magazine is run at minimal cost by a small group. With no shareholder payouts and no senior executives to fund, all the excess income will be donated to women’s projects including support groups for domestic abuse, women’s refuges and assistance for women in poverty.


Read on and discover more . . .

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